Buttigieg: Legal Immigration Not Letting Enough People in America

by Catherine Smith


Breitbart reports former Mayor Pete Buttigieg complained on Monday that America’s legal immigration system was not allowing enough immigrants into the United States.

“This country needs more people than its immigration system is willing to allow,” Buttigieg said. “So what happens? The people come, but then they are endangered of all of the uncertainties of being undocumented in this country.”

Buttigieg said the current legal immigration system was “outdated.” The former mayor of South Bend, Indiana spoke about immigration on the campaign trail in Nevada. He told his audience that his city of South Bend was growing in population, thanks to illegal immigration.

“That is almost entirely as a result of immigration … and many of them are undocumented,” he said. Buttigieg expressed sympathy for those with living with the uncertainty of getting deported. “This is not something that is making America stronger right now,” he said.

Instead, Mayor Pete called for “real immigration reform” that would offer amnesty for illegal immigrants. He said that on “day one” of his presidency, he would immediately make changes to President Trump’s enforcement policies.

“On day one, we go to the border and we start managing the border in a way that matches our values, as well as our laws,” he said. “With humanity and compassion as well as security.”

In New Hampshire on Tuesday night last week after his second-place finish in the New Hampshire primary, Buttiegieg went on to tell illegal immigrants, in Spanish, that the United States is their “country too.”

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Catherine Smith is a newcomer to Washington D.C. She met, and married an American journalist and moved to D.C from the U.K. She graduated with a B.A in Graphic, Media and Communications and worked in design and retail in the U.K.
Photo “Pete Buttigieg” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0. Background
Photo “Citizenship Paperwork” by Grand Canyon National Park. CC BY 2.0.






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One Thought to “Buttigieg: Legal Immigration Not Letting Enough People in America”

  1. Americans do not agree with that. We are not going to let the Socialists/communists kick our children out of their beds, and push them away from the table to make room fro any more Illegals..and keep our children from having the prosperous American Dream taken from us by RINOs and Socialist/Communist anti American Globalists.
    Buttigeg can take his perverse message to Mexico or Venezuela, we want no part of it or him!
